Unsere Partner
Viele unserer Anwälte sind im Ausland ausgebildet.
Unsere Kanzlei und/oder unsere Anwälte ist/sind Mitglied(er) folgender Organisationen:
- Die Anwaltskammer von Istanbul
- Die Anwaltskammer von Ankara
- Die Law Society von England und Wales
- Die Law Society’s International Division
- Die International Bar Association (IBA)
- Die International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Das London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
- Die British-Turkish Lawyers Association (BTLA)
- Die Deutsch-Türkische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK)
- Die Shanghai International Economy and Trade Arbitration Commission
Unsere Kanzlei ist auch zivilgesellschaftlich engagiert und bietet daher auch in Sozialprojekten Rechtsbeistand.
Unsere Kanzlei ist von einer Berufshaftpflichtversicherung gedeckt.

Aykut Bakırcı
Senior Partner
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6805
Aykut Bakırcı started his career as a legal practitioner in 1990. From 1996 until 2006 he was employed as counsel in the le..

Serdar Bezen
Senior Partner
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6803
Serdar Bezen has been a member of the Turkish Bar Associations since 1991. He has worked on major project finance transacti..

Yeşim Bezen
Senior Partner
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6804
Yeşim Bezen is a qualified solicitor (England & Wales).
She completed her training with and was employed by a ..

Banu Bölükemini
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6809
Osnabrück Universität – Dipl.-Jur
Istanbul University – Equivalence Qualification

Murat Soylu
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6802
Yeditepe Üniversitesi – LLB
University of Vienna - European and International Law

Ege Göktuna, Ph.D.
Tax Counsel
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6868
Dr.Ege Göktuna started his academic career as a research assistant at Galatasaray University in 1997. During his PhD studie..

Ayberk Dilmen
Customs Consultant
[email protected]
+90 (212) 366 6868
Ayberk Dilmen is a licensed customs consultant. He specialises in all aspects of customs services, international trade, import..